Tuesday, January 6, 2009

are you hanging in there?

Today my husband was on the ropes. He was jonesing for some "real food" real bad. Tonight we even took our kids to Baskin Robbins for a treat they had earned. Ice cream is his favorite. But to be honest, for me, the worst temptation there was the Li'l Jon song on their radio. For him, my sister Scotti bailed him out with some of her ninja-sneaky raw gourmet food.

I wonder how you are doing. I hope that if you have moments of weakness that you don't allow that to be an excuse for quitting altogether. Even if you slip up a few times, you can still continue your fast for the rest of the time. 20 days out of a 21 day fast still ain't too shabby for a rookie. Using some of my quick teacher math, you can actually mess up five times and still make an A- in my book. So hang in there. Get some help with creative food (or juice) options from others on the list. But don't give up.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will eat a steak if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 KGV


Anonymous said...

I am with Brannon! Yesterday was my toughest day. I ended up going to bed early just to get my mind off of it. It saddens me now...because I should have used that time of pressure to read more on my God! It is an old habit of mine to just go to bed when I am stressed. This fast is helping me to identify that and to bring it to God instead.

This morning...I feel renewed. Thanks for posting this. It made me feel much better.

Scotti said...

Nice scripture...
I looked it up on biblegateway thinking "surely there is not a scripture about eating a steak..." :)