Sunday, March 29, 2009

Jude 1

Holy cow, Jude opens up can after can of worms in his tiny letter. He knows his stuff for sure, mentioning even a few facts from historical Jewish texts that aren't even included in the Old Testament. (Yet by God including it here, He put His seal of approval on it to be shared with us today.) He references several historical figures and events and makes many metaphors but all driving towards one important point:

People who are not destined to end up in heaven have secretly slipped in among us and are polluting the Church.

This can just sound like the original conspiracy theory. Or just maybe, he's got his theology straight. The pure gospel brings about powerful supernatural life-change and radical holiness. But what we see more often than not are church-goers only slightly less bad than the rest of the people in town. Who say Bibley things and prayers and feel bad about the more obvious grievances they commit. Are we wary of such people? Nope. We live arm in arm with them. Or we are them.

Lord, I want to respond to the fabulous riches of your grace with the appropriate level of humble adoration. Let amazing miracles and glorious worship and net-breaking harvest and blameless living be characteristic of my life. Help me to not be lulled into complacency towards sin just because it's so commonplace around me (like Sodom and Gomorrah) or because of greed (like Balaam) or because I think my way is better (like Cain) or I think I deserve God's goodness (like Korah) or I can find fulfillment outside of you (like the fallen angels). Keep me from falling away and bring me into your glorious presence without a single fault. All glory to God alone, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord. All glory, majesty, power, and authority are Yours before all time, and in the present, and beyond all time! Amen.


Bea said...

May we contned for the faith and not be a blemish in the Kingdom of God. May we follow God's desires for us and may His desires be those of our hearts, as we delight ourselves in HIM!!!!