Sunday, April 12, 2009

Isaiah 53

From before the creation of the earth, it was appointed for Jesus to come to us. From the moment of the first sin, before Adam and Eve were ejected from the garden, the plan was already set into motion for Christ to restore us to God.

I saw a clip from The Passion of the Christ tonight. Sitting next to my son Kenny while Mary watched her first-born son suffer and die was rough. I can't imagine the horror of that loss. God knew it was going to happen all along, but to actually see it happen? No wonder He turned His back on Jesus at the cross. What unimaginable pain both God the Father and God the Son endured at that moment so that God the Spirit could come live inside me.

No wonder so many people dismiss the gospel message at first glance. This kind of love seems too good to be true. The Creator of heaven and earth did that for us. It's impossible to personalize and internalize it all without absolute and complete surrender to the power of that love. That's what this day commemorates for me.

I'm all in.


Bea said...

HE's alive!!!!!!
I am all in too!!!! What a mighty, awesome, loving and faithful God we serve!!!!!!