Saturday, April 18, 2009

Nehemiah 4

I think that satan's very best weapon is to lull us into forgetting that we are at war. We are under constant threat of attack. Every single moment is an opportunity for us to get seduced by sin. But most of us let our shields drop and leave our swords at home all the time. We waltz through our lives unprotected spiritually and then act surprised when we're caught up in sin. This chapter shows us how to stay safe.

First of all, be on your guard. Understand that the threat is real. Yes, Nehemiah prayed to God to keep them safe, but then he took necessary precautions. He knew that just because God was on their side didn't mean the war was over yet.

Second, just like a field trip, everyone needs a buddy. Every worker had a partner keeping watch and standing guard. Having someone that you let into your life as an accountability partner is a must. No matter how strong or brave or tough the worker was, he couldn't do both. He needed someone to have his back.

Third, stay armed. Ephesians 6 isn't joking around. Every single day you have to make sure you have your spiritual armor on. Read it and seek God about how that passage applies to you.

Last, when the time comes, stand and fight to protect your home turf. Fight for those you love who are stumbling into sin. Take it personally when satan attacks your loved ones. Set aside your work and go help them.


Bea said...

Nehemiah is just as true and timely a message for us as it was so many years ago.