Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Revelation 2

Verses 7, 11, 17 and 29 say the same thing.

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

God is whispering to us all. Sometimes I even think it's the same message. God had specific things to say to each of these churches (which continues in the next chapter), but they have a similar theme. He's speaking to them as a body of believers.

I hear the Spirit whispering to me. And I hear similar messages coming out of believers from all over the world. Big things. World-changing things. God is moving. From when this was written over 1,900 years ago until now, God has been moving. I often question why He would choose the Church to be the visible representation of Him here on earth. Lord knows we're not very good at it sometimes. But I want to use every ounce of my energy to move along with Him. I want to move at His pace. But not rowing. Sailing.

If you have ears to hear, listen. Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches. And come sail along as the Spirit moves.


Bea said...

That is our heart's cry--to hear and obey what the Spirit says---It is exciting, indeed!!! May we not miss a sentence, and as Moses said, Don't take us up from here unless your Spirit goes before us!!