Sunday, June 7, 2009

2 Chronicles 7

Such an interesting account. The dedication of Solomon's temple. No kidding people fell with their face tot he pavement. The visible fire of the presence of God descended before their eyes and covered the new temple. I also wonder if it was psalm 136 that they were singing. I like how besides dancing in his skivvies in the streets to show people how to worship God, David also had instruments made for the people to use to worship the Lord. I picture my elementary music teacher passing around the box of instruments to the class. Or the tambourine lady many churches have. (If your church doesn't have a tambourine lady, you should recruit one. They are a delightful diversion.) Anyway, then there are the tens of thousands of animals sacrificed. That's hard to picture that scale really. Seven days of slaughter and burning. Wow. No wonder people came from Egypt to see it all.

But the second part changes tone entirely. Instead of the dramatic festivals and outward display of glory, God appeared to Solomon in the middle of the night. I wonder why. God could have just broadcast this message in an audible voice to the whole crowd at once. But He made it personal and intimate. Just to Solomon. But a message that not only was relevant to the whole nation but to us today.

Read what He said. God offers us so much. On top of all of the favor and prosperity and goodness, He offers forgiveness, mercy, love, and grace. Why do we ever choose other things? Why are our hearts so adulterous? Why do we live such unfaithful lives? Even our omniscient God who knew full well the future unfaithfulness of His people, even in Solomon's generation, even led by the king himself, He still spoke in terms of "forever." He still was willing to extend them a chance. He is still making that same offer to us today. I pray that I, and you if you are willing, will choose to humble ourselves, and pray, and seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways.


Bea said...

Tough sayings--Mya we choose HIM and obey