Thursday, June 25, 2009

2 Samuel 12

First of all, I love the beginning of this story. How beautifully and tactfully Nathan confronted David's sin. I love how completely caught off guard David was to find that he was the man in the story. I'm so like that sometimes. And I love that God just keeps right on sending in just the right person with just the right angle to help point out my unaddressed sin.

But the part that's most moving to me is David's anguished prayers over his doomed son. I've never lost a child and it has always been what I imagine to be the absolute darkest sorrow a person can endure. But what I love is the picture this gives us to David's understanding of God. He knew that he had every right to plead for God to answer his prayers and put everything he had into his petition. But, when God answered his prayer the exact opposite of what he wanted, he immediately trusted God's will. When so many others would shake their fist at God or just carry a bitter grudge against him, his heart remained pure.

God has been so faithful to answer my prayers. I love Him and trust that He loves me. But, when the inevitable happens and God answers my prayers the exact opposite of what I wanted, I want to be just like David. I want to wash my face, snap out of it, and go on with the next step.

God was faithful to David. His next son Solomon was one of the greatest kings of all time. But it wasn't what David asked for. When God doesn't give me what I pray for, I want to be just as in love with Him as I am when things go exactly as I asked.


Bea said...

Yes, God always knows what is best for our over all good and growth--as well as what works best for the Kingdom of God.