Friday, July 10, 2009

Zephaniah 1

Do you ever spend time thinking about that day. You know THAT day. Jesus promised that He was coming back. God spoke through many other prophets besides Zephaniah assuring us He means business. And yet almost all of us, good and bad alike, waltz through life without really thinking about that day. Are you ready? Most people feel OK about it if they've repeated a prayer once. Or they feel OK if they deem themselves a better person than most. But I want to be able to hold my head up. I want it to be an instant feeling of elation not regret.

God is good, but He is also just. His person and character require payment for sin. He has offered to cover it. But so many, just like in Zephaniah's time, continue in their lives of idolatry and selfishness. I want to get my life more focused on that day. Until the only days that really matter are today and that day.

Come, Lord Jesus, come.


Anonymous said...

As much as I want our Lord to come, I want him to wait just a little longer for the ones that don't know him. I want to see the poor that have no hope, to know the JESUS that brings all hope. They might never have anything on this earth but they will have mansions for eternity.

Bea said...

Every knee shall bow. May we each day till He returns do HIS will and not ours. Come quickly Lord Jesus!