Sunday, July 12, 2009

Zephaniah 3

This is an odd little book. Such a variety of God's characteristics described for Someone so constant and unchanging. Although this chapter continues on with the rant about judgment and justice, it ends with some of the sweetest, most intimate images of God found anywhere. It's so humbling and fascinating, and straight up wonderful that our powerful God who is "mighty to save" would care for each one of us like the end of this chapter describes.

Tonight I held a friend's baby boy. He was so soft and rolly and juicy, just the very best kind of baby. His daddy was so proud of him too. He carried him in the crook of his arm and looked down at him adoringly. I think back to when Kenny was a baby. He didn't go to sleep as nicely as Preston or even Evie. I basically had to rock him completely asleep every night and sing him every song I knew (which is a lot). Although each night stretched out for hours and I was so sleepy, I treasure those hours. Makes me want to go drag him out of his bed and gather him in my arms right now.

That's how much our Father loves us. That's the kind of overwhelming heart-aching joyful love He has for even the dirtiest bum or the meanest drunk or most wounded raging teen or most brokenhearted woman.

Father, I want to love You back like that. Delighted with You. Singing gently to You. With my head at Your elbow like that cute baby in his daddy's arms. Thank you for removing my shame and rescuing me from sin. Thank you for gathering me to you. Thank you for coming someday to bring me home.


Bea said...

Yes, I am thankful for my Abba Father, Daddy, coming to sing over me.