Tuesday, August 4, 2009

1 Timothy 1

The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith.

That is pretty much my goal too. This chapter has lots of good advice for staying on track with that and not getting bogged down with issues that only distract from serving God. And note that he didn't include having your head stuffed full of knowledge either. That may happen but it is not to be our goal.

I wonder how on guard we are for false teachings. I think they're rampant. On Christian TV, on bookstore shelves, and even in many pulpits. Paul was a lot more serious about the danger of this than we are. We have allowed our American "live and let live" sentiments overshadow our staunch adherence to the truth. But although tolerance is a core value of 21st century America, it was certainly not one of Paul's. He didn't confuse being welcoming to non-believers with letting them off the hook for their wrong ideas about God. Instead, he taught diligently to clear up misunderstanding.

As a curriculum developer, I have to take this even more seriously than many other Christ-followers. Although Paul's letter here applies to all of us, I will certainly be held accountable for anyone who is led astray by watered down or inaccurate doctrine. So that's why I've come here to Paul's first letter to Timothy. I think I will find some much needed guidance here.