Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Acts 14

Although the easiest and most natural thing during trials and persecutions is to whine or get all bent out of shape, I like how this chapter clearly illustrates God's purpose in it all.

In the first town, the crowds tried to kill Paul and Barnabas. But as they fled, therein the next town, as if waiting for God to show up, was a lame man. Not only did God heal him but so many in the town were led to Christ. Again, when the crowds actually stoned Paul, the next town was full of people who needed Christ too.

When I look only from my own perspective, I just see that painful part that feels like a personal attack. But from this view, you see the gracious beauty of God working all things together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose (just as Romans 8:28 promises). So in those hard times (even stoning in Paul's case), I need to focus on God's wonderful Providence that is at work in that.

Easy to write, much harder to live out.


Bea said...

AMEN!!! Got a chance to walk that through this week--as I was 'being stoned' with words. They may be worse than the real stones, BUT GOD was so faithful even at the time to remind me to TRUST HIM!! HE is more than enough!!!!