Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Acts 28

After we were brought safely through...

Those are the opening words of this chapter in my version of choice (ESV, and also NASB). Although I did actually read and meditate on the rest of this chapter, those words are the ones that resonate in my heart. Reminds me of the words, "Twas grace that brought us safe thus far and grace that leads us home." I feel so lovingly brought through like Luke (and Paul) must have felt. Even though the previous chapters contained trials, chains, beatings, stonings, riots, shipwrecks, and even this chapter's snake bite, the end of Luke's adventure tale is almost anti-climactic. Paul preaching peacefully (yet still provocatively) from his new home in Rome.

That's sort of where my ship has landed right now. Safely through. Thank you Father. Your grace is indeed so amazing.