Tuesday, December 1, 2009

1 Peter 4

Why do we keep walking through life avoiding suffering? Why are we surprised to see it coming? I mean, my life is nothing on the scale of many people I know. A close friend of mine spent her whole day at the side of a mother who heard doctors give her bad news after a risky surgery on her beautiful teenage daughter. My day was a walk in the park. But still, pushing through, living what we say we believe, is admittedly hard. And yet Peter puts it so plainly. It seems easy.

Be clear-minded and self-controlled so you can pray. Love each other deeply...

The other day my husband and I got in a big fight. (It's not him, it's me.) Anyway, after a long and arbitrary rant, he said, "I don't see how I can take action on any of that." So I broke it down into what I actually wanted from him. And what do you know? He has done it. It's been really nice. But it took some clear action steps not just theories.

That's what I think of this passage. There's a lot I can't understand. There's a lot that just sounds too difficult, but if it all rides on simple things like self-control, prayer, love and other basic things, I can at least wake up each day and try again. I can remember whose name I carry and represent it the best I can in each interaction.   I can look to Him when suffering comes. I can commit myself to my Creator and continue to do good.