Friday, December 11, 2009

Genesis 12

When you read the opening lines of this chapter it's easy to see why Abraham is known as the Father of our Faith. I mean, "Pick up and leave everything and move, but I'm not going to say where yet." And he did? That's some faith. Brannon and I have had moments that felt like that so many times. When God said for me to switch careers. When Gold Brannon to quit his job. And the one that happened today that led me to this chapter again, getting called upon to bring two battered little girls into our home. (But I'm not going say for how long yet.)

All of that seems brave, but there is another half to the chapter that's a little less flattering. How could Abraham have the kind of faith in God to move miles from home and yet not have the faith that God would protect his wife from harm? Sounds really dumb, but I think we're guilty too sometimes. Like having the faith to take in foster kids but not enough to provide for all your bills. Silly when you put it that way but it's pretty normal.

Well I'm sick of departmentalizing my trust in God. Either He's sovereign or he's not. I hope of any of you catch me acting like I have to cover for God's ineptitude that you just kick me in the shins. Our feeble plans are so goofy when we compare them to God's vast unlimited power. So seriously. Don't let me get away with it. And you might want to check yourself for any signs of it either because I might just give your shin a kick if I catch you. :)


Bea said...

This time of the year generally finds me re-shuffling the ECA schedule. It is easy to think--"How is this going to work?" Yet, my FAITHFUL GOD has had it covered for 23 years now, so I just always pray I will stay out of HIS way, listen carefully and move forward. Don't really want to be in need of a shin kicking.