Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day Twenty: Fast or Feast

So how many of you have considered extending your fast? Come on, I know some of you have! I've talked to my friend John about doing 36.5 days and tithing the year. Of course I talked about that last year and I ended up saying that I was going to just do the first three days each month and accomplish the same thing. I'm pretty sure I only made it to March. :) In Zechariah 7, the people are wondering if they should continue the fasting calendar they had kept and the Lord answers through Zechariah.

"...when you fasted and mourned in the summer and in early autumn, was it really for me that you were fasting? And even now in your holy festivals, aren’t you eating and drinking just to please yourselves?..."

Since Moses' time, God instituted a whole calendar of fasts and feasts. Both were 
designed to draw His people closer to Him. Get that? If you make seeking God and drawing closer to Him your goal for every day, both this time of fasting, and the feasting that may come in the upcoming days, can both be holy to the Lord. I want all of us to really seek out how this time has changed your relationship with God (and with food and other relationships). But then I want us to consider the ways that our times of feasting (not gluttony, but joyful appreciation of God's blessings) can draw us towards Him too. Here's another way I hope we're changed.

"Judge fairly, and show mercy and kindness to one another. Do not oppress widows, orphans, foreigners, and the poor. And do not scheme against each other."

Can we do this part too? Can we refocus our lives and hearts to pour ourselves out for them. Can we bring His mercy and kindness to the poor?

I love the way this fast has affected us, but I'd love the change to continue. I see no scriptural evidence that God has called us to fast every day. Jesus didn't do it, and God commanded feasts. So I have to believe that God is just excited about His love for us the day after your fast as today. When we wake up each day with a renewed focus on God and spreading His love, we can spend the rest of this year falling more in love with God each day, fast or feast.

Today I will pray that we will all take time to allow God to speak to us about our fasting experience and reflect on the ways it has influenced how we live.


Bea said...

Yes, may we each hear God clearly in every area and the walk it our---with His help and strength!!

Miss Theresa said...

Yes, almost exactly what I woke up to with God this morning.
I say I'm gonna have a nice steak Friday evening. But routine has me questioning because of the habits formed from this Fast.
And then I fear losing this closeness to God, this new friendship I've found with Him.
Then the steak doesn't sound so terribly good after all.
I still have a long way to go in my path, God's path for me. Yet I still know I have the strength to pursue.
Now I can add to my list "feast" and not think about everything that I can get my hands on. Feasting on God's goodness. Wow, that sounds a whole lot better.
Today I will work at keeping that goal at the forefront of my thoughts.