Thursday, January 1, 2009

final fling

For my last movie before the '09 cut-off date, I just watched Quantum of Solace with Brannon. Loved it. Going cold turkey on movies will be hard. But like so many other things, it's just one more layer of distraction that I need to scrape off. It reminds me of that graphic description of Job sitting there with his body covered with sores having lost everything precious to him and scraping at his wounds with a sharp rock. Now that's geting down to nothing but trust between you and God. My favorite Job quote: "Though He slay me, still will I trust in Him." Plus, it only takes a quick glance at the photos of my five Burkinabe kids to think of how silly the concept of "giving up movies for 21 days" really is.

For the day of the 31st, in addition to a nice long look at our budget and hopefully some resolution setting with my accountability partner, I plan to eat a few yummy things that will be off the menu in January. What will be your final fling?


Scotti said...

Speaking of final flings... I spent new year's eve at Incredible Pizza. We were keeping some friend's kiddos while they were in the hospital having their 3rd baby and decided to let the kids have some fun there. Let me just say... I think I ate enough junk that evening to last me for a while! I was so happy to begin my fast after feeling so horrible after eating all that pizza!