Sunday, January 11, 2009


Many of us are halfway through! That's really something to celebrate because most of the people fasting together this time are rookies. I know I have certainly been experiencing the spiritual power of fasting. (Plus, I've dropped some weight so that's nice.) God is moving mightily in my life and lots of big things are stirring up. Since a few of you have shared prayer requests, I'd like to throw a couple out myself.

First of all, please pray for healing for my dear friend Scott. He has an inner ear disorder called Menear's Disease that just flat out drives him nuts. It's super painful, annoying, and makes him dizzy and sick. He works for Compassion International and is sold out to serving God with his life. Pray that these symptoms will cease and allow him to minister like God has called him to.

Second, please pray for me and the amazing opportunities to influence the Kingdom of God that I have in my role at A lot is going on right now within our Central Leadership and God is all over it. I'm excited about the changes that have happened already and really need God's favor in order to get the chance to play the part I know God has called me to.

Plus, pray for the other fasters. I know everyone has times that are way harder than others. Pray for the strength to persevere and not give up. But God is faithful and will be more than enough.


Bea said...

Will pray---May we all hear God clearly and accurately. He wants to guide every step of our lives.