Sunday, January 4, 2009

welcome Sunday fasters

A few of my friends are starting their fast today. A few more will join us later this week. Whenever you start, you can go back and look at the devos for the day you're on. I hope you are all taking advantage of getting a buddy to help you reach your fasting goal and to pray with you. My neighbor Hilda is praying for me from across the street and I hope my accountability partner Toni will get in my grill if I try to cheat. I'm also fortunate to have my husband Brannon in on this too. I really feel great and am doing pretty well. (Except for the few minutes of preparing my kids' lunch. Even $1 frozen pizzas can smell pretty enticing.) Be sure to go add your prayer requests and share what you're fasting from down in the older posts.


Bea said...

Listen carefully to these verses---It is a timely message for the USA and the Body Of Christ today!! Our God sets up leaders and HE takes them down. May we put our full trust in the God who is able!! We would be wise to delete listening to the news, etc and hear the true report in the Word.
I, too, am feeling great, as always when I turn my attention away from food and on to the Word.

Toni Q said...

You know I'll be in your grill if I think you're tempted to cheat. $1 pizza is NOT worth it! :)