Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Proverbs 31

This may have to be a two-part post too, because I'm not touching that woman with a ten-foot pole. I've gone to that chapter many times in the past to hear about this virtuous woman, but today, I am struck by the first half.

It starts off talking against using alcohol to numb your awareness and impair your judgement. Like most scripture it applies to us on a broader sense too. As Americans, our wealth and power come with a big responsibility. To whom much is given much is required, right? But often, either intentionally or unintentionally, we insulate ourselves from really feeling the plight of the poor.

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.

When I was a teacher, I used to always read books to my class that had this theme. A book called Number the Stars told the story of a Danish family who helped their Jewish neighbors escape to security in Sweden during WW2. It's easy to remember that we are not supposed to behave unjustly and threaten the lives of others. But actually, it's not OK for us to sit by and allow it either. That's much harder. That will involve layers of entanglement we'd rather not assume. That's true justice though. We have to get sober and do what this verse demands.

I added a link to my blog to Compassion International. I encourage you to click on it and drink in the sobering images of poverty like hard coffee for a hangover. But then don't just look. Take action. See that one child gets justice.


Bea said...

Yes, we have met, in person, little children in India who live in poverty. It is humbling to see how one boiled egg, or apple is an amazing treasured gift. We send money every month which goes directly to them through local pastors who have been trained through CCBC.There is no "middle man" getting part of the money, hence our money can go a long way to both feed the spiritual and physical hunger.