Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ecclesiastes 1

My LifeGroup decided to go through Ecclesiastes one chapter at a time. So my posts on Thursdays will keep returning there. (Or as James reminded me, I should say, "If it's God's will I will do that.)

Anyway, chapter one is a good opening to this drama-filled book. Not drama in the sense of action and adventure, but drama like high school girl drama. Solomon is having a bit of a crisis. He has come to a place in his life where nothing makes sense.

Are any of you there? I sure relate to some of these verses. Especially the last one. No matter how much wisdom and knowledge I have gained, it sometimes is just a big downer. Ignorance is bliss as they say. Sometimes the more you know, the harder it is to cope.

I think that's why I have come to learn that spiritual growth has nothing to do with learning knowledge. It really about obeying God's plan for your life. Hearing Him for yourself, taking Him at His word, and doing what He says. That is never meaningless. Weird? Probably. Tough? Definitely. But never meaningless.

The other part I like about this chapter is the cyclical stuff. The first time I busted out the word cyclical to a friend, he didn't know what I meant, so it was meaningless to him. Later, when I said cyclical in a meeting, he offered me a quarter. It is kind of a valuable word. Going around in circles and finding yourself back where you started sure can seem meaningless. But for some reason, God built cycles into all kinds of things about this world. I think they must have a meaning. I know what this boomerang effect has looked like in my life, but I wonder what meaning it has to others.

Anyway, LifeGroup friends and any other random blog-reading friends, jump in and let me know what this chapter says to you. Or you can just meet us back here when we cycle right back here next week.


Bea said...

Amen & amen. Dad and I went to Ecclesiastes last night too. HUMMM We keep taking 'trips around the mountain' till we 'get it'(God's plan for our life, tht is). We would all be better off to listen and obey when God directs us, but guess we all have some learning to do in the process.