Thursday, April 2, 2009

2 Kings 2

Persistence. Elisha had it in spades. I love this chapter and how he relentlessly pursues what he knew God had in store for him. I love how he shut up the naysayers. I love how he ignored his leader's directions. (I also love how he called bears down on some punks, but that's a little different.) The point is, Elisha was so certain of God's plan for him that he would not be stopped by man. Not even Elijah himself. And the nerviest thing of all is when he finally gets the opportunity to grasp for the big promotion, to takeover after Elijah, that he straight up asks for twice the anointing and power on his ministry.

I want to presume upon God's goodness like that. I want to act out boldly on the confidence I feel inside about what God put me on this earth for. I want to "take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me" like it says in Philippians somewhere. And I want to have the nerve and the equity to straight-up ask to get to play a doubly-big role in the big work God is unfolding in the next stage of my life.

The beautiful and gracious part is when God showed Elisha exactly where the God of Elijah was. He held back the Jordan and showed everyone that He was the God of Elisha now. The unprecedented miracles we see in Elisha's life are jaw-dropping. Truly some of the most unbelievable ones in the Bible. If you haven't read about them, you can start with the most astonishing one of all in 2 Kings 13:21. And all of it was because of his persistent faith.


Bea said...

Yep! I love Elisha too!!! Gutsy!! Not so popular with most folks, however. I'm there some days, and then I think I go with Elijah running from Jezebel's threats some days. Of course, Boldly following God's plan is the best plan. Fear of man, or woman, never works out very well.