Friday, May 1, 2009

Get ready for the fire hose!

God has met me here in Atlanta. I have truly experienced the verse "rejoice, for the steps of the righteous are ordered of God." The whole three days was like floating providentially from new relationship to cool meet-up to anointed message and on and on. I will start writing about it all as soon as I get home. Maybe sooner if I have time.

But, I'd also like to invite you to do a Daniel Fast with me and a friend. I blogged about that for the first 21 days of this year so you can read about it under that tag. Let me know if you're interested. It's way easier for me to stick with it when I have company.

Also, just fair warning, I've been drinking from a fire hose for three days so the upcoming posts where I dig into the Bible and try to assimilate all of this may be wild and random.


Bea said...

A Daniel Fast sounds great!! Timely! Count us in!
Shared your word from Francis Chan with a family last night after ECA Graduation and they knew it was straight from God and just what they needed to hear.