Saturday, May 30, 2009

Jeremiah 32

Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too difficult for you.

This is one of my favorite verses. But the story surrounding it in this chapter isn't one we like to think about. Jerusalem was under siege and was about to be completely sacked by the Babylonians. Jeremiah was under arrest. But God told him that one day, everything bad would be overturned and God would restore the nation. Jeremiah believed him enough to bet a fortune on it. Jeremiah bought some land and had the deed saved in a safe place. One day, it would be worth something again. One day, it would be free land again, a safe place to plant crops and live on again.

I believe in God's goodness today. But would I believe as whole-heartedly if God had not answered my prayers and instead told me I was about to enter another time of adversity? God is good. That is true. But God is sovereign. That is the God who is powerful and awesome and can do anything. He can do what I want Him to do. He is able. But He will do what He wants to do whether or not it's what I want. I want to praise God because He is sovereign, not just because He is good. That's what Jeremiah was doing here. Praising God in adversity, through adversity, and even for adversity. Because that's when true faith is refined. Thank you God for answering my prayers this week.


Bea said...

Amen & amen!!!
I praise God with you for answered prayers, and I also rejoice for God's beautiful plan for us when we can see it and when we can't. He is always more than enough and nothing is too difficult for HIM!!!! What a MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE!!!!