Sunday, May 24, 2009

John 1

I still have that song stuck in my head. The first verse made me think of John 1. "Before the world was made, before you spoke it to be, You were the King of kings..." This opening passage, by John the disciple about John the Baptist, describes the theology of Jesus' incarnation better than anywhere else in the Bible to me. He's so detailed about how Jesus fits into the big picture.

Jesus is God. I think about how the worlds were created at God's command. I like to think about how that spoken Word that hurled both light and life into existence is also God Himself. Not a part of God, but God the Word. And according to this, that Word is the same fantastically creative being that became Jesus Christ in the flesh. So when I think about the things then that are true of Christ, it's hard to wrap my little brain around the fabulous bigness of who Jesus is. Not just the massive awesomeness of God in human form, but part of the fiber of all creation.

I want to be more conscious of Christ IN me. My life. My light. My in all and through all.


Bea said...

He is an amazing CREATOR!!!