Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Psalm 130

I love God, but I'm not sure I'm always counting on Him. There are so many things in my life that I feel like I can count on that seem to come between me and Him. Money for one. The stuff I have to keep me comfortable. The secure nation I live in (regardless of how you may think it's slipping, it still affords us the luxury of safety).

I have reflected a lot over the past few days since I heard Francis Chan last Thursday. His messages continue to challenge me to radically obey, zealously share, crazily love. Since then, I have already followed through with 2 out of 3 things I knew God was calling me to do. But the one that's left affects my family too. To jettison this one thing would put us in a position to truly have to wait for God like a sentry longs for sunrise. We'd have to count on His goodness to come through for us every single day.

What keeps you from putting your hope in the Lord? I mean, I think most Christians would be quick to say they already were counting on God. But what about that retirement account? What about that home? What about that savings for a rainy day? What about that safe career that isn't what He made you for? Where have we really stuck our neck out? I just don't know where the line will be drawn for me exactly, but I want God to know that He gets to draw the line, not me.

This psalm was written to be recited or sung as you walked up the hill to Jerusalem to worship at the Temple. Today, take some time to pray this psalm as a prayer that you truly mean. And then live in a way that shows that you cry out only to Him. Count on Him. Hope in Him. Long for Him. Wait for Him.


Bea said...

GOD IS SO VERY FAITHFUL Is the walk with Him without struggle, no. BUT, it is worth it!! Joy comes in the morning. There is nothing greater than walking in obedience and knowing He always comes through!!
Slip down to Ps 131:2. He has stilled and quieted my soul like a weaned child with his mommy!!! We mut put our hope in God.

Bea said...

By the way, His goodness has come through for us every day since we left the security of the 'Friday Paycheck'. It is never without challenges, but we "Don't Look Back", as Bill Jaxon so beautifully captured on canvass. We press on toward the prize. God is so very faithful!!!

Bea said...

Leaving OSU affected my family--in fact it is why I drug my heals for three days, until God shouted, "Do you not know I love your kids more than you do and I would never ask you to do something that was not good for them". Turns out 22 years later, that it did affect my kids, but in a positive way. Both my girls are different people than they would have been had we not obeyed God. Isn't God clever, He blesses us when it looks like to our little carnal eyes just the contrary. When you choose 'full-out' obedience and trust in God, many will ridicule you and encourage you to take the safe road--when really the only safe road is obedience to God and His WORD!!!

Bea said...

As we wait on you, we put our hope in your word!!!!