Saturday, June 13, 2009

Psalm 5

I must not have any enemies on the scale David did. Obviously his were pretty wicked political foes who wanted him dead. So I just can't share the feelings he communicates about how bad those guys were. But I also can't relate well to his confidence. He talks so positively about himself without sounding the least bit conceited. Somehow he's proud of God in him without just sounding stuck on himself. That's a pretty good goal to pray to God with complete boldness like that.

But the one line that brought me here is in verse 3. He KNEW God heard his voice. And he waited in expectation for God's answer. For God's power on his behalf. Why don't we pray like this more? Why don't we pray more?

I just watched a documentary about the Church in China. One thing that I've always admired about Asian believers is their prayer habits. They don't kid around. They get up early and pray for hours. They meet together, even when it's dangerous, and pray expecting God to hear them. That's what my life needs more of. More prayer. More talking to God. More listening to Him. More expectancy.


Bea said...

God is an awesome God!!!