Monday, July 6, 2009

1 Chronicles 4

I have a post with this title but I really didn't talk about it. Of course this is one of those chapters that I really just skim when I've done a One Year Bible plan. I believe that everything in God's Word is equally inspired, but everything is not equally relevant to me.

It's the little gem hidden in verses 9 and 10 that I like. And of course has been the origin of a famous book called the Prayer of Jabez.

First of all, Jabez's name means pain. This evidently characterized his life somewhat. But he also was exceptionally honorable. I think it's cool that he so boldly prayed to God and asked for what really is kind of a lot. And, the money part is, God granted his request.

I wonder why. I wonder if, like the book suggests, there's some mystical formula to his prayer. I wonder if God knew things about Jabez and that honorable part that made God respond. I've honestly never prayed to be free from pain. I've prayed to be freed from a particular pain before, but I guess I always though pain is just part and parcel to living here on earth.

The part of this that I have prayed a lot though it the "enlarge my territory part." I don't know exactly what all that means to God, but it always sounded like just what I'd like. I want to be all up in the mix of whatever is out there that God is doing. I want to be in the middle of the best of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Things have happened in my life too that I see as God enlarging my territory too.

For this week though, the part I want to pray is that "your hand be with me." I don't want to wander off on my own. I don't want to rely on my own ideas or my own smarts or my own efforts. I want His hand leading me and guiding me though this next part. I want the God of Israel to go with me in such a mighty way that I'll see Him as the God of Kendra.


Bea said...

May God grant your prayer.