Sunday, August 2, 2009

Micah 6

We offer God so many things. Sacrifices we make. Offerings He didn't ask for. All mixed in with shameful ways we treat others when we carry His name. He made it simple here in Micah. Broke it down to three things.

Do justice.
Love mercy.
Walk humbly with our God.

Period. A friend texted me and was looking for verse 8. It's one of my faves. But it's this kind of verse that make me want to stop reading the Bible. Not because I don't believe it anymore but because I do believe it and want to get up and just do it.

What justice needs doing that I can do something about this week?
Who do I know that needs mercy from me instead of judgement or condemnation?
How can I live my life as if I were flat on my face before the throne of God?

I will have to answer these three questions this week. Because that is all He has asked for. That's all He really wants.