Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Acts 7

If you haven't noticed this theme this past week it's Acts. I already did Acts 6, so even though it has the first half of this Stephen story, I'm skipping to 7.

Wow. What guts. What complete trust and total faith in God. What a beautiful use of a deep knowledge of scripture. What a glorious honor to be the first one worthy of being martyred for the Name of Christ. And what joy to see your Savior who stands in our defense awaiting his arrival home.

Stephen's story is really cool for many reasons but as a curriculum writer and teacher, I think the humbling thought for me in this is that his sermon, his message was included and printed in God's Holy Word. Meticulously recorded in total by Luke and boldly preached in front of the leaders of His nation. He was just living out what would be the last day of his life obeying and worshiping God. But now it is the 7th chapter of Acts.

I know this is going to sound weird, but I don't mean it that way. I want the things I write and create and speak to be powerfully inspired like that. Not because I want to get a lofty spot in a book (especially since God's book is kind of closed to new entries). But because I want God's message to transform people through it. I want the pure doctrine and clear teaching that Stephen preached to continue to change lives today.

One thing I feel convicted about that I have yet to really change in my life is praying more before I write. Invoking the muse is a concept from ancient Greece but really it applies to me too. Seeking Inspiration before I start. This doesn't just go for writing but for conversations, meetings, all kinds of daily interactions. It kind of reminds me of some old commercial. "Prayer, it's not just for breakfast anymore!" I ritually pray before meals but I would rather whole-heartedly and sincerely pray before I write, or teach, or speak.

Where in your life do you need to be inspired by God?


Bea said...

God so wants and needs us to live like these guys---People are doing it in other countries where hunger for the Gospel is strong. Man we see an outpouring of the mighty Holy Spirit in each of us and may we be willing to pay the cost. No martyr would trade a day of life on this earth for the Glory of the Lord's presence on the last day of his life on earth.