Thursday, September 17, 2009

John 19

Paul wrote in Philippians 3 that he wanted to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death.

When I read this chapter, it seems impossible to long to share in this horrific scene. But, I do want to know Christ. And I do know that the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in me. And when I look at the peace and serenity and grace that we can see through the violence, I do want to become like Him in His death.

How simple had His life been, trusting wholly on God? He had nothing to worry about but his mother who He entrusted to his close friend also there at His side. The only asset He had to His name was a robe that went to a gambling guard. That simplicity. That clarity of focus. That devotion to His life purpose. That compete trust in His Father. I do want that. And not just at my death. I want my life to exemplify this marvelous death. Suffering? Come what may. I'm all in.


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