Monday, October 12, 2009

Acts 26

Why do you kick against the goads? I had to explain what this meant to my 12-year-old Kenny. It's a really nice visual though. A stubborn bull pushing against the way you're trying to lead him. I wonder how long God has been drawing Paul and what other signs there were in his life before God resorted to the big blinding light. I think a lot of us pend a lot of time kicking against God's guiding goads. Things we see as a pain in the backside are likely God's direction.

I really like Agrippa's response too. He was kicking against the goads too, wasn't he? Paul had laid out such a logical and airtight case for Christ that it seemed like insanity to Festus. But Agrippa was almost persuaded. He knew the truth and Paul knew he knew. I wonder what became of Agrippa. Did he stubbornly refuse to turn his life over to Christ for the rest of his life? Or did he, like Paul, give up and let go and give Christ everything. Acts doesn't tell us but maybe somewhere in history there was an answer that was lost along the way.

I guess Agrippa's fate isn't really important to us today though. I think what matters is whether we kick against the goads or completely abandon our whole life and give God full reign in us like Paul did.