Friday, October 16, 2009

Isaiah 50

I once heard Francis Chan say, "You are never nearer to God than when you are rescuing." Although I haven't thought about that enough to determine if it's an absolute, I know that it gripped my heart. Each on of us has called out to the Lord. He has heard us. He has answered us. And He came to our rescue. This video is about a young man who was rescued through the Compassion of another. But really, when I think about it, I think maybe many people will be rescued because of this story and others like it.

Who do you have within your sights that you can rescue? Who is in need of compassion and kindness and mercy. It may be a needy child on the othr side of the planet. It may be a black sheep in your family. It may be a friend who doesn't have a family. It may be a lost and lonely someone on your street. Reach down, and be a part of their story. Offer them the hope you've found in Christ. After all, that's what He did for each of us.