Saturday, October 17, 2009

2 Kings 4

I've still been thinking a lot about living "poured out." The story in this chapter was one of the first that crossed my mind when I started thinking about this concept. In the OT, oil usually represented the Holy Spirit of God. We see this in the Temple observances and in the whole concept of anointing someone or something. Also, like I mentioned the other day, jars often represented us. Vessels of clay shaped by a maker of all different sizes, shapes, qualities, and each crafted for a specific use.

I think my first step is to live like the widow. "I have nothing at all. Except a little oil." I have always been quick to rely on my own strength, my own smarts, my own skills. But God needs none of that. He only needs a little oil. His Spirit in us and flowing through us is more than enough.

Another thing I see here that I need to act on is that Elisha told her to not just get a few jars. Get as many as she could possibly gather. Then when she started pouring, the oil continued to flow until she stopped pouring. God's miraculous power was only limited by when she stopped pouring. I think this probably means something different in each of our lives, but I need to hear what it means to me.

Because I don't want to stop pouring. I want the Holy Spirit to fill every jar everywhere. And I don't want to be one of those filled jars. I want to be the one that's pouring and pouring. Let it flow!

The rest of the chapter is superbad so make sure you read it too.


Bea said...

Poured out---indeed!!!
That's the way to live. I think there is always another jar to fill--there is no limit.

Wonder what starting an orphanage in India would look like in a 'poured out life'?