Friday, November 27, 2009

Deuteronomy 11

I have seen so many more times that God has provided and been faithful and demonstrated His power than my kids. So how can I begin to share those stories with my kids? I guess like anything, I can just start now.

Today I had to take some time out with my kids and address some serious conflict that they have been having. I learned a while back in a Family ID workshop that you have to treat sibling fighting as seriously as if they had set fire to the house. So, my older son Kenny and I put on a little demonstration for them. We went through Colossians 3:12-14 and Kenny acted it out. First he came out of the my closet wearing just his boxer briefs. We talked about how we would never go out of the house like that, but we often do the same thing spiritually. Then he went in and came back out with a sun dress on. This represented tenderhearted mercy. We talked about what that means. He added a sweater for kindness, a cardigan for humility, a robe for gentleness and shoes for patience. Then he put a belt on over it for love (which binds us all together). I took a video of him acting it out while I read the verse but he made me promise not to post it on the internet.

In our culture we put so much ahead of our relationship with God. With our kids school often comes first. Then sports. Then dance or cheer. Then friends and social engagements. Then enrichment experiences. We communicate the value of those things to our kids by our investment and attendance at those things. Many parents I know would never miss a single game in the season or school assembly or recital. But we drop them off at church and may not even bother to follow up with how things are going there. Oh yeah, and if were tired or there's a lot of laundry to do or homework or a practice, we let them ditch church. That's pretty clear.

I want the messages I send my kids to line up with the values I say I believe in. If I am to put God first above all else and obedience to living life led by the Spirit, then I have to make sure the things our family participates in back that up. Do your activities communicate your values? Does your calendar line up with your stated beliefs? This chapter, and many others like it, challenge me to make every moment with my kids an opportunity to share what God means in my life.