Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hebrews 13

Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.

This whole chapter is a bit random because that was the letter-writing style back then. In your close, you just threw out everything that you wanted to say but didn't really get to I guess. It's funny that he said it was a short letter. Imagine someone writing you a letter that long nowadays! Although there are lots of great gems in the chapter, the one that I really want to write about is verse 7. 

I have a tremendous leader in my life. My pastor is such a fantastic boss, speaker, father, husband, and just all around great man of God. Last week, my son and I were watching church online and discussing the message and I saw Craig and my friend Tony in a short video about the message. I said something silly like, "Aw! Look, how sweet!" since I like them each a lot and was glad to see them together. My son said, "That's not what I would call him!" "What would you call him then?"


I cannot possibly communicate how grateful I am that I have someone in my life that when I consider the outcome of his ways, I find a terrific model for my son to imitate. I mean, being a great leader to me is one thing, but having that kind of godly role model in my son's life is an unspeakable blessing.

I hope that you have that kind of quality Christian example in your life. And if you don't, I think maybe you're not living as closely as you should in and among an active community of believers. It doesn't have to be a pastor of a big church or someone famous, it just has to be someone whose "outcome of their ways" matches the Word of God we say we believe.

Another challenge to all of us though: Be this. Live this out. People are watching. Speak the word of truth into people's lives and show them a life worth imitating. I met many such people this weekend and i know I will continue to meet many more as the Church continues to be the beautiful lamp stand we were created to be.