Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Deuteronomy 30

Let's just say that behind my back I told you I had something you had to eat. Contrived scenario of course, but just pretend you're on Fear Factor or something. I in one hand I had a plate full of pecan pie and in the other hand I had a bowl of manure. And I clearly told you what was in each hand. You'd choose the pie right? No brainer.

So what if someone did go ahead and pick the poo? What possible reasons could a person have for making such an obviously poor choice? Well, I guess they could prefer the taste of poo to the pie. But I think that would only hold up if the person had never tasted pecan pie before because it is unquestionably delicious. The only other possible reason would be if you thought I was lying to you. That I was holding out on you somehow.

I think it's the second option that causes us to choose death one generation after another. We think God's got it all wrong and that the "death" hand is the one we really want. Physical pleasure, instant gratification, selfish satisfaction. We think that's the good hand when really it's the poo. We think that it's the better of the two options only because we've never really tasted the peace, joy, love, mercy, power, and fulfillment found only in Christ.

But God was clear what the two options are. Life and death. A blessed life or a cursed life. So why are we sitting here chewing on turds when we could be enjoying the best desert ever?