Thursday, November 12, 2009

Romans 4

I love this clear teaching about Abraham. I love how although he is held up as the Father of our faith that I can still relate to him. He was faced with an impossible promise. But he realized that God's promises are truth. Then, even when he looked at the reality of his condition, the facts, his faith wasn't weakened. Why? Because of one reason. He was convinced that God was able to do what He promised.

Are you convinced that God is able to do what He promises? I think most people would say yes. But part of the problem is we don't even know what we've been promised. Abraham had the privilege of talking to God in audible dialog. He spoke with visible heavenly messengers. And He is the epitome of faith.

Now think about it. You and I are likely to never hear God or see and angel physically. And yet we are called to believe. So, when we are able to put our faith in God, how much greater our faith really is! It's kind of like what Jesus said to Thomas, "Blessed are they who believe without seeing." That's us.

I'm going to spend some time really meditating on that one phrase: He is faithful who promised. He is. I know it. I want to believe. Lord, help my unbelief.


Bea said...

God has such a 'track record' with us of always being there and His faithfulness has been so astounding in our lives, it makes it easier to beleive the impossible. That's His speciality!