Friday, December 18, 2009

2 Corinthians 5

Can you get in your mind a good mental picture of what compulsion looks like? I mean, think OCD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I have known a couple of people with this problem. This is a serious illness that can force people to do things that seem insane like repeatedly combing the fringe on a rug until every yarn is straight or washing their hands until they are raw and bleeding. So when I saw the word compel in verse 14 it stopped me dead in my tracks.

Christ's love compels us...

Are we living that way? Are we OCD about serving and worshiping our Father? I think that's what we should be. Behaving in a way that seems insane to an observer. Look at all the words in this chapter that communicate that sense of urgency: longing, groan, burdened, swallowed, persuade, committed, appeal, implore. I don't think we always behave like the new creations that we are. It says the old has gone, the new has come. But so many of us are walking through life dragging that corpse around with us. 

Verse 15 clearly communicates what's been on my heart for this whole week. With far too few exceptions, I look around and see a world that is living for self instead of for Christ. I long to see a Church, to be a Church rather, that is God's ambassador of reconciliation. So I can do two things then I guess. Become OCD about praying for Christ's bride and be OCD about Christ's love.


Bea said...

Amen, Sister! Christmas is a great time for us to evaluate our compulsions. There is such pressure from the world to "produce" gifts and traditions of man to create a lovely holiday. Whoops, did we forget our compulsion at this season should be ways to honor our King--it is his Birthday, you remember. We get so frazzled trying to keep up with buying, wrapping and distributing gifts, cooking food, etc, there isn't much joy and love to shine forth from us. UG!

Yesterday I was sharing with a sweet Christian friend, and she said, "What are you getting Preston for Christmas?" I said, "Time". She asked further questions and I revealed our views of Christmas celebration, trying to honor our King rather than giving gifts to those who already have more than enough. She said, I guess I would expect you to do something different at Christmas, isn't that your ECA scripture? "Come out from among them and be seperate." May we be able to shine forth JESUS love during this season when we celebrate HIS Birthday!!! Oh how I love Jesus!!!