Sunday, December 6, 2009

Galatians 2

Paul talks a lot here about being a hypocrite about the law. Saying that we are saved by faith in God's grace through Christ but then judging others based on the law. This happens so much. I see Christians judging each other on stupid stuff like the music they listen to, tattoos, piercings, what they eat or don't eat, which words they use or won't use, whether or not they drink alcohol, how they spend their money, what kind of car they drive, whether or not they are green, just all kinds of stuff that has nothing at all to do with grace but everything to do with trying to get other people to live by your interpretation of the rules.

A great quote from Oswald Chambers, "Let God be as original in other people's lives as He is in yours." What this means to me is that even though there are some things God has convicted me of or that are hazards or temptations for me, that doesn't mean I need to demand that of others. Jesus doesn't need us to add any list of  do's or don'ts to what He did on the cross. Whether Jew or Gentile, insider or outsider, new believer or decades into it, we all need to rely on grace alone for our relationship with God. Not the list of things we abstain from or adhere to.

Paul often attacks this as a poisonous danger to the gospel. I think it's interesting here that he goes through the trouble of listing all of the other apostles who back it. A heart that lives with the overflow of the Spirit, with the evidence he's going to list in chapter 5, just doesn't go along with judging or looking down on others who worship God with a different set of "rules" than we do. If you find yourself more characterized by the things you're against than the fruit of the Spirit, then I think you need the same face-to-face heart check Paul gave Peter.