Monday, December 7, 2009

Galatians 3

This is such s good clear reminder of where we all stand. By putting out faith in Christ, we can be right with God.  We can be made righteous through faith alone and never by the laws we observe.

In the Jewish culture, even though Abraham is the father of their faith, Moses really gets more play. So it was important for them to understand that they were getting this opportunity at righteousness through a promise given to Abraham not the laws given to Moses. Abraham's faith, not Moses' law, was the predecessor of redemption.

Even though we're not Jewish and didn't grow up in those pre-Messiah days when the law was the only hope at cleanliness, we still live in a works-based culture. We teach everyone from all of our earliest memories how to get along in society by the rules we have to obey. Ordinances to observe. Cultural norms to adhere to. Even manners are a code of conduct. So how in all of this legislative world can we teach children (or adults for that matter) to comprehend grace? Here, here's a free gift you don't deserve, could not earn, could never pay for. Here's right-standing with God. How can people learn to accept such a lavish, exorbitant offer?

One of the greatest things we can do to share the gospel message in our world is to demonstrate undeserved grace. Love the unlovely. Give to those who can't repay. Share with those who have nothing to offer in return.  I don't see near enough of that. Not even during the holidays. How can they ever see a glimmer of the hope found in Christ if we aren't living it out? We need to love the world like we know we will never run out.

Man. This takes me straight back to the Eucharist though. Living communion not just "taking" it. Living broken and poured out. Like Jesus did. And like the woman with the jar of perfume did that same evening. Break open the jar so that you have nothing to keep any for yourself in reserve. Let everything that you are, everything that God has created you to be, pour out over his head and pool up at his feet. That will show the world the power and purpose of His grace. That will show them what living as an heir to His promise is better than anything.