Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Luke 4

Forty days on nothing. Wow. Verse 2 saying he was hungry is an understatement for sure! I guess what I love though about Jesus fasting and praying like this is the power and clarity and confidence and anointing that He had immediately coming out of it. I know we would all be quick to say we'd love to walk so closely with God that we preached and prophesied boldly, healed the sick, cast our demons, and just knew that we knew what God wants us to do in every moment. We'd be quick to say it, but I really know of few that are willing to go through what He went thought to get it.

Yes, He's the Son of God. So it can be argued that He had quite an advantage, but Jesus came to call us to do what He did and live as He lived. On Friday, A bunch of friends and I are going to start a 21 day fast. People are doing all different kinds of fasts, mostly fruits and vegetables, juice, or some a list of things not to eat. All are wanting to walk closer to God.

I guess I didn't even have set as a goal for myself anything other than some big prayers answered and favor, clarity, and strength, but now after reading this, I want to see some demons cast out and some sick healed. I want to see God move in His church is unprecedented ways.

Come Lord Jesus, come. We open our hearts wide and rid ourselves of physical distractions. Stir us into action. Draw us into your will. Lead us not into temptation. And help us all remain faithful to our commitments.


Miss Theresa said...

I just made this my homepage so that during this Fast especially I will connect with others for guidance and accountability during this Daniel Fast 2010.
My commitment is to you, Lord, as I seek what you have in store for me.