Saturday, January 17, 2009

fast day seventeen: Daniel 11

Can you believe this detail? Do you get what's going on here? God isn't just making predictions about what will happen in the future, God has seen it already. He can give Daniel this kind of play-by-play because He already TiVoed the game.

Here's some heavy stuff, but it has to be true. God exists outside of time and space. The human perception of the passage of time is only that. Our point of view. We cannot fathom, outside of science fiction movies, the ability to travel around in time. Even when we do, we are plagued with all kinds of problems. "What if Marty interferes with his parents in the past?" "What if Dr. Brown leaves himself a clue from the future?" "Is it still gross to make out with your mom if you're technically not even born yet?" (The answer to that one isn't much of a mystery. Yes.)

God can remember the future as handily as we can remember the past. And God can tell Daniel exactly what will happen in the future without worrying about him messing up the space-time continuum by writing it all down. God is sovereign. All of this is WAY above our pay grade to comprehend, but that doesn't make it untrue.

I explain it to kids like this. Try to teach math to a worm. Can't do it. That doesn't mean that 2+2=4 isn't still true, it just means that worm brains can't handle it. And we are more similar as a species to a worm than we are to God.

God exists outside of time and space. God has no beginning and no end. God can be wholly present everywhere at the same time. God is all-powerful and all-knowing. Jesus was 100% divine and 100% human at the same time. And Mary was a virgin and miracles never cease. Mind blowing for worm brains like ours for sure.

You can't argue with it. All evidence points to yes. Daniel could write detailed accounts of the future because of God's infinite awesomeness. Instead of getting too bogged down with who all these kings are, let your mind idle for a while on who God is.


Tammy said...

So true. It is why I never understand why we try to keep God in a box. We seem to overlook that He is GOD...the very creator of it all. It is why scientist struggle with His very being. I may have said it before but I love the verse in 1 Corinthians 1:25..."Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men."