Monday, January 26, 2009

Psalm 112

I've got some heavy stuff for tomorrow so let's stay in Psalms for one more day to get a good news grounding to face the bad news. (Which according to verse 7 you don't need to worry about.)

Every single verse of this poem brings hope and faith and life. The ones that stick out to me the most are 4 and 6-8.

The KJV says in verse 7, "my heart is fixed." I want my heart fixed. I want to trust in the Lord no matter what the situation looks like. No matter what tries to shake me up. I don't have any foes I feel the need to gloat over, but even so, I can appreciate that kind of outcome.

In' not one to think that the gospel is all about what you get for being friends with Jesus. The gospel IS Jesus. You get Him. So, praise the Lord. Let's fear the Lord and find great delight in His commands.


Bea said...

I'm fixed and I'm standing!!!!