Thursday, January 15, 2009

welcome LifeGroup friends!

I am really excited to begin to share my blog with my friends from my LifeGroup. After a short pop quiz, we found that we all needed a boost in our Bible study habits. So starting this week, we are going a chapter at a time through the book of James. Each of us has committed to read one chapter of the Bible every day. So, since we're only discussing one chapter a week of James on Wednesday nights, that gives you a couple of choices. Either you can read James 1 seven times this week, or you can read it once and then select six other chapters to read each day. I'm psyched that we're studying James first. We will begin with one of the most precious books of the Bible to me.

That means that for my fasting friends, one post a week will be about James instead of Daniel. Hopefully you'll also see lots more comments on those posts as my LifeGroup friends weigh in on how God is speaking to them through James. Join right in with them though! James is the perfect practical, no-nonsense counterbalance for fantastic, abstract Daniel.


Bea said...

I love James! It is one of my favs. It is right where we liveGlad we are looking at it together.