Saturday, February 14, 2009

1 Corinthians 13

Well I couldn't exactly do Haggai 2 for Valentine's Day now could I? So everyone take a minute to re-read the famous love chapter. So there's tons to say about it and anyone can comment about your favorites, but the one of the "love is" parts that's hardest for me is the "bears no record of wrongs" one.

If you're married, you may have a mental notebook, kind of like the one Rain Man kept, of all of the things your spouse does that bug you. Now when it's something big, like infidelity or abuse or other big things, we take evasive action. We get counseling, pray through it, read books, and do whatever it takes to get past those things (hopefully). But honestly, the things that I forget that I have to forgive are the little things. Stupid stuff like leaving shoes in the living room or stacking too many dishes in the sink. (Incidentally, those are all things I do that bug Brannon, not the other way around. I thought that was more fair to use examples of my own junk.)

Anyway, if a guest came over and tracked dirt into my house, I would cheerfully clean it up without making a big deal of it. But if my kids did it? I yell. (Just to be clear.) Why? Not because I loveth guest more than my kids, but because I'm bearing a record of wrongs. So really, it's more my problem than theirs from God's view.

But the other part I really want to understand today is that last part. Growing up. Maturing. Seeing clearly. Knowing completely. Those are things I aspire too. Actually, for the kind of stuff I'm working on right now, those things are mandatory. So along with learning to love better, I also want to grow up.

Have a Happy Valentine's if you're into that. If not, you can just have a normal day like we will at our house.


Bea said...

A very wonderful chapter!!!
There is so much 'meat' here. If you are serious about being like God, this is a beautiful portrait of Him. It is another stroke of the brush, as we see who God is unfold with each verse. Try putting your name to replace love. You will begin to see who God says you are. I think my favorite, though, is His promise that LOVE NEVER FAILS!!! Continue to perfect your love walk and impossible situations turn around. I have seen it work in the toughest challenges.
Happy Valentines.