Sunday, March 22, 2009

Psalm 68

Sing to God,
Sing praises to his name!
Lift up a song to Him who rides upon the clouds;
His name is the Lord!
Exult before Him!

This week at the Grand Canyon, it was easy to know I was in the presence of an awesome Creator. It was so stunningly enormous. So grand. At a couple of places, we came across small wooden plaques that had scriptures on them. Although that seems out of place for a government-run national park, it didn't seem out of place at all to me. I saw verse 4 from this psalm on a pillar at Hermit's Rest overlooking the Grand Canyon. It led me to read that chapter when I went back to the hotel.

Read it and remember what a powerful warrior God we serve. The one who rides the clouds. His name is the Lord—rejoice in his presence!


Bea said...

Amen! God's works declare His name and His majesty!!! The Grand Canyon is truly a place to gaze on His awesomeness. May we each see his handiwork at work in and among us daily--to Him it is as grand as the canyon He flung into place.