Thursday, April 9, 2009

Nehemiah 1

...if you return to me and obey my commands, then even if your exiled people are at the farthest horizon, I will gather them from there and bring them to the place I have chosen as a dwelling for my Name.

I love how Nehemiah accepted his burden with such humility and grace. God called him, all at once really, to go rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. It fell on him like a ton of bricks as he heard of its condition. I really relate to this chapter. I see the broken down systems that the Church has created in many local bodies. We are trying to resuscitate models on life support that may have never really worked and certainly are no longer working today. We are trying to draw people to God with cool music, exciting marketing, emotional programs, and any number of other things than what God designed the Church to use. Demonstrable compassion and supernatural miracles. That's what will draw people to us. The stirring of the Holy Spirit. That's what will change them.

This is my burden. And like Nehemiah, I want to openly repent for the ways that I have contributed to confusing the message of the gospel with pizazz. God has chosen the Church as a dwelling for His Name. And no matter how far people have scattered from God, He will draw them back when we humble ourselves, repent, and obey His commands.

I cannot rest until the wall is rebuilt. This is my burden.

What's yours? Don't rest until you know. And don't rest until it's complete.