Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Jeremiah 1

I love this conversation of God calling Jeremiah to be a prophet. Today I am meeting with a big group of people that I really admire about a topic that I am really passionate about. But I don't want to say a single word from Kendra. I want God's words to be in my mouth.

I pray that the Lord will touch my lips and anoint me to only speak His wisdom, His message, and His words. I don't want to be intimidated by who I'm talking to or what God leads me to say. I just want to remember Him looking on lovingly as my body formed before I was born, thinking forward to this time and this day, and remembering my future and the many other wonderful things He has in store for me.


Bea said...

My prayer for you is that you only speak what the Father tells you to say. He has your words planned for today. Love you