Monday, August 17, 2009

2 Timothy 4

Since I already wrote about chapter 3, I'll just move on to chapter 4.

I take this charge very personally. Preach the Word of God. I can do no other. Neither can you. Even if you know me and think that my platform for preaching the Word is different from yours and somehow that let's you off the hook, then remember that God left this letter to Timothy for all of us. Work at telling others the good news, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you. I know what that is for me. What is it for you? What is the ministry God has given you. Note that this is past tense. God has already chosen and called you for a particular work.

As for me, my life has already been poured out at a drink offering for God.

Wow. That's so what I want to be able to say at the end of my days. I received an email from a colleague with the signature "Poured out." Very fitting. Because no matter how hard the work gets or how much suffering it involves, don't you want with all your heart to end your life like verses 7-9? Oh Lord, hurry the day.


Anonymous said...

Since I love running, I can understand the physical aspect of this verse (7), but I really also want to finish my course, the one HE has set for me, strong!! I do long for HIS appearance, but want to fulfill all He has called me to do here first. Come quickly Lord Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Yep, preaching is my passion in life!!!

Bea said...
