Friday, August 14, 2009

Ephesians 2

Because of His great love for us...

This just leaves me speechless sometimes. Last night, I laid on the sidewalk down my street watching meteors streak across the vast expanse of space with my older son. It's just so big and beautiful and unfathomably ornate. We talked about interesting things we knew about the bigness of space. About the fact that at least 95% of it all being made of a substance that scientists are at a complete loss to describe. They can't even observe it directly. The best they can do it name it "dark matter" and just trust that it's there based on its gravitational pull. And then I sang him How Great Thou Art. And he sang Amazing Grace.

And that's truly what it is. Amazing. Amazing that the Creator of shooting stars and dark matter and a universe that we can't even begin to measure or define has a great love for us. Amazing that this love is so uncontainable that it compelled Him to encapsulate Himself into a human body to live among us. Amazing that He then sacrificed Himself to offer us the priceless gift of undeserved favor with Him. Amazing that not only does He know my name and everything about me, but that I am His workmanship. Amazing that He has prepared a purpose for my life in advance. Amazing grace.